About Me

As a Software Developer, I’ve worked with several technologies, mostly focused on frontend applications such as Mobile Apps and Videogames for Android and iOS. I enjoy creating beautiful things for people to use, so I’m really focused on the User Experience, design and usability. These are some of the technologies I’ve been working with most recently:

Check my Résumé for a more detailed description of my professional projects.

As a composer and music producer, I’ve released three albums with emphasis on ambiance. I have an interest in polydimensional instruments, with which I try to bring a sense of a natural, organic sound to computer-generated instruments. This is the equipment and software I’ve been using most recently:

My music is available on most distribution platforms, under the names Louisload (Spotify, Apple Music) and Demising Faith (Spotify, Apple Music).

I’m driven by a passion for technology and arts, both being important aspects of my work.